Friday, June 19, 2009

Leaving on a Jet-Plane

The Kidlet is leaving tomorrow for a trip with Bio-Mom to visit her family, he will get to see his grandmother, great-grandmother and Aunt. I know he will have fun but I will miss seeing him everyday.

The trip was planned during our custodial time and over Father's day. Since he won't be with us Dear Hubby took him to dinner last night and then they watched the movie that the Rapscallion bought him for Father's Day. I gave Dear Hubby a gift certificate for a massage, so maybe he can relax a little. Since we are kid-free I was thinking about going camping this weekend but I need to see how my own father would feel about that.

I was on a media-fast for most of the last 2 weeks, I found that I was spending a little too much time online getting this blog off the ground. I needed some time away to regroup and get my thoughts in order. I am feeling much clearer now and will be back to regular posting next week.

I did wash the Rapscallions blanket that he will take with him, hopefully it smells like my house and he will know I miss him.

1 comment:

  1. I hope Kidlet has a wonderful time. I hope you and Hubby have some time to reenergize!
