Friday, June 5, 2009

I Shall Love Him and Call Him Tyson

Yesterday I cleaned my parents house, it was quite a job. It took about 9 hours because I was being a perfectionist about everything. My 84 year old Grandmother followed me around the house all day asking if she could help, I felt really bad but I didn't need her help and her constant presence over my shoulder was actually getting in my way a little. I am horrible, I can't believe I just typed that.

I also broke my parents vacuum cleaner, not such a good first day on the job. Their vacuum cleaner has been on it's last legs for a while, so it wasn't a shock that he passed away while in my care. I have a history of breaking things that have wheels. I told my Dad that I broke the vacuum cleaner and since I had sprinkled baking soda on the carpet I needed a new one. I mentioned that I had been at Target that morning and seen a Dyson on clearance for 1/2 the original price. He told me my Mom wanted the DC25 All Floors, the one with the ball, as it happens that was the one on clearance. After a quick trip to Target my parents got a new vacuum cleaner and while I have never publicly proclaimed a love of a vacuum, I was smitten.

I called Dear Hubby and told him I needed this vacuum, he wasn't convinced because even on clearance this was more than we have ever spent on a household item. Oh except our bed, we spent 3 years sleeping on an old mattress and when we could afford it we sprung for a new bed, complete with box spring and nice mattress. I digress, most of our household items have been either given to us or rescued from the thrift store or even the trash (I admit it, I am a dumpster diver) the only exception to this rule is Dear Hubby's mountain bike, even used I think it cost more than his truck.

So I begged a little bit for a new vacuum, I might have promised some sexual favors (Dad pretend you didn't read that) but he wasn't understanding my passion for a new vacuum. He did mention that I could get it, but we needed to wait until we had money in the bank, whatever, he also did mention he was OK with "anything that makes you want to vacuum more" but I still didn't feel like he was understanding our need for this vacuum. Or so I thought, I came home from cleaning a little sore and smelling like vinegar (great natural disinfectant) I sat on the couch and watched some t.v. with Dear Hubby. After a little bit I had to take a shower, I was grossing myself out with how badly I smelled. When I got out of the shower I saw something laying in my bed.

It was the vacuum! Dear Hubby had gone out and bought it, it was the last one in the store. I love him (and Dear Hubby too) it is the most super awesome vacuum ever. It doesn't clog, it doesn't weight 50lbs, it doesn't overheat and sound like a jet plane taking off (you know who I am talking about crappy vacuum cleaner I inherited from Patty Cakes) I have named him Tyson because he is sexy like a super-model!

1 comment:

  1. I have a Tyson too! I mean, a Dyson! Aaahhh, Tyson Beckford....mmmmm.....
