Friday, October 16, 2009

I'll Show You Mine...

If you show me yours!

Again I am accepting a challenge from AmyK. Basically show me the stuffed animal or blankie you have had since you were itty bitty. Tell me, and the interweb, your story.

In return, I will show you mine. In fact I will show you mine first!

I would like to introduce you to Teddy and Red, not the most creative names, I know but I have given them names and changed them when the whim suited me so many times over the years. Somewhere I also have a hard plastic lizard named Little Red Riding Hood, my sister had Goldilocks, what can I say we were weird kids.
Both Teddy and Red currently reside in my hope chest, I would bring them out but I don't want anyone playing with them (evil stepmom moment) because if something happened to them at the hands of the Rapscallion, or Puppy Butt, I would be hard pressed to let that go easily. Maybe not my most graceful confession but it is the truth.
It was fun to pull out Teddy for this picture, I used to sleep on him so he is a little smunched up but still soft and just waiting for me if I ever need him.


  1. awww so cute! i love hearing stories like that. ill have to dig out my old teddy and post something!

  2. So weird that I saw this post I was just wondering the other day where your teddy was as I was thinking about Snowy being 20 and ducky is 27, Currently though Goldilocks is in a box with our house decorations so we can have the house ready for the Halloween party, unless I can figure out a way to incorporate her.... Love you!
